Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Adventure Begins

I spent the majority of the day on Sunday exploring the surroundings of Palo Alto. It started off with taking my new roommate to the office so that we could have some of the leftovers for lunch. We initially stopped at a really good bagel place on the way, but he reminded me that we could get everything there and more at the office for free, so off we went.

We weren't there too long before we headed out. This was the first of many days of my hunt for fancy cars in the area. From about 1pm-4:30pm, three of us randomly walked the area in search of any and all vehicles. Long story short - Porsches are a dime a dozen out here. It got to the point where I would see another one and think twice about whether or not it warranted a picture. For the most part, I took all the pictures I could. For the most part, they're pretty nice. I believe the nicest one I've been able to find so far is a silver Tesla Roadster. It's only like the 4th I've ever seen (3 of which were here), so imagine they are not too common.


Apparently there is a Tesla dealership just a couple of miles away from where we live. We will attempt to elicit a test drive at some point over the summer. One of my roommates said he tried this with a Ferrari dealership near school. We'll go in with rented suits and pretend that his uncle as an Indian billionaire who is going to buy him whatever he wants for his 18th birthday. After spending some time perusing the options, we'll ask to take the most expensive one out for a spin. I hope we fare better than he did last time when they were "politely" asked to leave. If we're not going to get the test drive, I'd rather get thrown out through the window and make a scene. I can yell and say we're taking our business to the Ferrari dealership down the street.

I'm pretty sure they own a Tesla & Ferrari

We continued exploring, seeing lots of ridiculously sized houses and obnoxiously priced cars parked outside. Lots of people have gates and foliage to prevent people from just walking onto their lawn. That didn't stop me from taking whatever pictures I could. While walking around, we were coming up to what I assumed to be a lemonade stand staffed by a couple of girls that most likely lived in the house. They were probably around 8-9 years old, and they were actually selling snow cones so they could make a trip to LA. I wonder if their mom new about that.

On Sunday night, my roommate got back from the Dispatch concert he went to, and we decided to go see the new X-Men movie. Unfortunately, there aren't really any movie theaters in walking distance, so we drove to Mountain View. The theater was actually right near the Googleplex, so I'll be making a trip out there at some point to take some pictures. It should be very doable with a bike.

Work was great today. I got a lot done, and really started to feel like I have a good feel for what's going on. Every Monday there is a "resync" meeting where all of the team leads talk about what got accomplished last week. They also make all the interns/new hires that started last week introduce themselves to the whole team. Also it seems like a lot of people bring their dogs into work on Monday, so there were a TON of them running around today. I love having them come up for attention. I will drop whatever I'm doing to meet dogs.
Tomorrow morning, I'm planning on meeting a couple of friends at the gym for one of the classes they offer. I can't remember the last time I've been to a class at a gym, and it's probably never been a fitness class like this. It starts at 8:30am (not too early) which should give us enough time to get to the office, shower (yes they have personal showers at the office), change, and eat. Hopefully I don't tire out any quicker than usual. I'm hoping this will be a good for my fitness, since all I've really done so far is just refrain from drinking soda. It's not as easy as it sounds, especially when they have Mexican Coca-Cola (Coke with real sugar) at the office. For all I know, I may wind up in a spinning class at some point. Hopefully not...